Chips March(ed) for Life


Amber Corb, '21, Contributing Writer

From January 15-20, some of our very own students went to Washington D.C. Archbishop Chapelle High School had nineteen students, both juniors and seniors, representing her at the March for Life, and they were joined by schools from all over the country. In all, there were over 650,000 people who attended–a great turnout! While in our nation’s capital, the Chips were able to see tons of historical monuments, but if you were to ask any of the girls, they’d probably tell you that definitely wasn’t the most important part. Ms. Emily Lannan, the sophomore Religion II teacher, said, “We also really tried to enter into the pilgrimage part of the trip by attending daily Mass and spending time every evening in Adoration.” One thing’s for sure–everyone who went will remember this great experience for the rest of their lives. The girls were able to figure out just what being pro-life meant to them. In the wise words of Ms. Lannan, “Being pro-life means so much more than just marching one day out of the year for unborn babies. It means bringing ALL people the abundant life that Jesus Christ has in store for them every day.” Well said! So Chips, remember to always keep these babies and their mothers in our prayers and to choose life!

In the book of John, Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” We must help others have the opportunity to do this because our call is to love. We can never forget this, and we must always stand firm in the faith. Oh, and one more thing ‒ you’re never too young to make a difference!!