LeaderChips take on LASC

Tiffany Hamburger, '20, Photography Editor

This past Martin Luther King, Jr., Holiday weekend, six of our beloved Chipmunks attended LASC, the Louisiana Association of Student Councils. These Chipmunks included sophomore Demi Benitez and juniors Madelyne Cox, Hannah Dooley, Abigail Reames, Jessica Reed, and Morgan Spizale. During this conference, many different high schools from the greater Louisiana area gathered to learn about leadership by attending seminars and student lead exchanges. Students also voted on the state president, secretary, parliamentary, as well as district presidents.

Not knowing much about this program, I went interviewed a few of the attendees to find what their experiences were like.


Q: What was your favorite part of LASC?

A: “I want to say that my favorite part about going is getting to grow closer to the other girls in Student Council and learning about their ideas, and we encourage everyone to join Student Council! E-board and our moderators want to hear everyone’s ideas, and we want everyone to come out and have fun with us!”–Morgan Spizale

A: “I think my favorite part was Saturday night when we saw the skit from all of the campaigners wanting to be on the board. That night we all got to dress up, and it’s always fun to see what the schools come up with for their skit.”–Hannah Dooley


Q: What things/experiences did you encounter at LASC?

A: “When attending LASC, I encountered many young men and women who take pride in their school, stand up for others, and overall a positive attitude to everyday life. It felt great knowing that I could walk up to any one of them and have so many things in common. I experienced what it’s like to be a part of an event that shouts cheers everywhere you go, randomly starting a cheer ‘circle,’ and most of all you are surrounded by people that want everyone to be involved.”–Demi Benitez


Q: What type of events occurred at LASC?

A:There were various general sessions and smaller sessions where delegates are able to learn more about not only leadership, but themselves as well. Also, delegates were able to collaborate and become closer with their student council and moderators throughout the weekend.–Abigail Reames


Q: How has it helped you grow (spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally etc.)?

A:LASC has helped me grow in my spirituality and how I think about how God truly is working in my life! It has also helped me grow mentally; the speakers really empowered me! They helped me know that I am enough, God has a plan for you, and you can do all things with Christ!”–Demi Benitez


Overall, The LASC experience seemed to be an absolute blast! Many of our STUCO members hope that other students join them in their crazy, fun, and loving endeavors with all of our other STUCO members!